Cool Life (ˆ⌣ˆ)/
Chapter 2 ; Pathetic lover
Monday 23 March 2015 | 11:30 | 0 comments
          26th February. 5 days of our new relationship. We spend the night at her house. A great night, for me. You know why? Because i get to spend my time with her. But the best thing bout that night was when she said she love me. She whispered it, to my ears. Like a fool, i trust every word she said to me. Turns out she was just lying bout it. The truth were revealed when we argued over some issue. Dia cakap dia terpaksa be in this relationship, dia terpaksa terima aku, terpaksa cuba untuk sayang aku so dia minta supaya jangan paksa atau halang dia buat apa-apa yang dia nak. Hati aku.... sumpah rasa macam kena pijak, over and over again. I ran into the bathroom, aku terduduk atas lantai, cried my lungs out. I called her but i can't speak. I tried to be strong. Guess what, i failed. I cried, again, but this time, on the phone. Aku macam weak gila time tu. Aku cakap dekat dia, aku sanggup tunggu sampai dia betul-betul sayangkan aku. No matter how long it gonna take. I will faithfully wait until that magical day. Aku minta dia supaya jangan cakap i love you until she really mean it. And i won't force her or halang dia. She can freely befriend with whoever she want. I won't stop her. Yeah i said that, walaupun sebenarnya hati aku sakit sangat-sangat. Nevermind, as long as she's happy, then i'll be happy too. Her happiness were what matter the most to me. I went to bed that night, with a bag of chest pain & tears running down my cheek. It's okay my sweetheart, i will wait for you.
         The next day, i came by to her office during lunch hour. I intended to have a heart to heart kind of talk with her but she acted like nothing happened. After 30 minutes of kinda awkward conversation, i went home. Disappointed.

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